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Ableton 限量包發行 - Airbag 行動背包

一般筆電包的造型總是很普通也顯的笨重,但是Nerdbag能迅速成為你每天愛不釋手的筆電包。規格15的筆電包完全符合於15吋大的PowerBook;此外也有適用於16及17吋的規格。(規格15的筆電包實在很適合我的15吋Toshiba PC)那麼現在就來測量你的筆電大小,再到Ableton的網站上找尋你要的規格。


Using a custom-crafted bag like the airbag is an entirely different experience 

if you’re used to mass-produced bags. Everything on the airbag is beautifully made, 

from perfectly-executed stitching to velcro attachments. That’s not just an aesthetic issue:

I put a lot of stress on my bags, like many mobile musicians, and most cheap bags simply fall apart. 

My airbag shows virtually no signs of wear after months of hard use. 


Nerdbag Ableton Limited-Edition []

Airbag Craftworks Site including other bag designs

Materials are fantastic, too: the strap is made of the same high-grade material as seatbelts, and the bag itself is made of luxurious recycled materials. Airbag uses fabrics from repurposed air mattresses, rubber dinghies, and other unlikely sources. The result is exceptional padding for your laptop, and a bag everyone you meet will want to stroke inside and out. (Whether that’s a good thing or not, I suppose, is up to you.)




As a Manhattanite, I subscribe to the “one bag is never enough” philosophy, so I still have other bags for carrying additional gear. The Airbag itself is best for fitting just a laptop plus an accessory or two, like the power adapter, headphones, a paper notebook, and a Dell Axim PDA, in my case. I have other bags that work better for heavier loads. 

As a light bag you won’t be embarrassed to wear out, though, the airbag is perfect.

身為一位曼哈頓人,我認為只有一個包包是不夠的,所以要有其他的包包去裝更多的東西。以我來說,Airbag不僅能裝一台筆電,還能放一,兩件相關配備,例如:變壓器,耳機,筆記本,和戴爾Axim PDA。我還有一些可以裝載重物的包包。你不會覺得背著一個輕型包包而感到不好意思吧!Airbag真的很不錯。

The bags are available for EUR 129 / US$149 (slightly more for 16″ / 17″); that may sound pricey, but in four years this bag will still be going while a lesser bag has fallen apart. It’s a great buy for a beautifully-crafted piece of luggage.


Nerdbag Ableton Limited-Edition []

限量款Ableton Nerdbag請至 []

Airbag Craftworks Site including other bag designs


The airbag craftworks folks themselves are fascinating people and electronic music lovers,and they have an extensive line beyond the Ableton bag. I’ll be talking to them about their products in a coming story. 

In the meantime, snag those Ableton bags while you can — or check out the other airbag offerings.

