Native Instruments S2

螢幕快照 2013-03-16 上午12.05.58.png

TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 是 Native Instruments 全新打造的兩軌專業 DJ 系統,  Traktor Kontrol S4 同級的硬體, 搭配 TRAKTOR PRO 2, 是入門 TRAKTOR 世界的最佳選擇

馬上沉浸DJ 世界

    TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 是市面上最專業的兩軌DJ 控制器, 配備兩個deck, 一台混音器, 多重效果器控制, 外加播放聲音取樣的第3音軌. 設定簡單讓你馬上開始DJ.

    除了機身強壯, 攜帶方便外. TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 還附TRAKTOR PRO 2 完整版. 專為TRAKTOR 2 技術調校的S2, 可讓音樂創意發揮最大, 馬上讓DJ 及混音變得有趣又順暢.

專業DJ 程式

   Native Instruments 主導DJ 軟體10年的設計經驗, 都投入了容易上手又創意十足的TRAKTOR PRO 2 .

    TruWave 彩色波形顯示技術, 可清楚顯示歌曲進度和段落變化, 方便DJ精確接歌. 進階同步功能, 確保每次對拍都沒問題


    本產品由TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 團隊設計, 採用同級元件製造. 堅固的旋鈕和背光按鈕讓你掌握TRAKTOR 現況. 高品質壓力感應控制盤方便控制音樂, 讓DJ輕鬆調速或修拍.

    TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 提供想用專業控制器功能的DJ更平易的入門選擇.


    S2 完美結合DJ硬體和軟體, 使用非常簡單. DJ從硬碟或iTunes挑出歌曲, 馬上可以looping或hot-cue 輕鬆的現場remix或改編歌曲. 每個動作都不會跑拍!

    聲音取樣旋鈕可以加料8個錄好或事先準備的聲音.由30個專業效果組成的兩組變化多端的效果器, 效果變化會自動和拍子同步, 在表演中加進個人色彩簡單到不行. 歡迎搶先一步進入未來DJ 的行列


●2.1聲軌: 兩個音軌加上Sample播放軌

●硬體:監聽cue按鈕, 3頻EQ, 耐操的fader, 2軌混音座, 1軌聲音取樣播放, 兩個高感度控制盤

●內建24位元/ 96kHz音效界面, 以及Cirrus Logic ® AD/DA轉換器.

●一個麥克風輸入, 總音量有平衡式1/4”TRS以及非平衡式RCA輸出, 監聽從耳機輸出.

●軟體: TRAKTOR PRO 2. 專業級的功能, 極佳的使用界面, 兩軌混音及效果器,外加Sample 軌和Loop Recorder.

●工業領導級的TRAKTOR 2引擎保證完美同步以及緊緻的混音成品


●支援的音效檔: MP3、WAV、AIFF、音訊CD、FLAC、Ogg Vorbis、non-DRM WMA(只在Windows系統支援WMA檔播放)、non-DRM AAC

non-DRM:non Digital Rights Management非數位版權規範的音樂

Bottom Line


Windows XP (最新Service Pack,32位元)

Windows Vista / Windows 7 (最新Service pack,32 / 64位元)

Intel Pentium 4 2.4Ghz 或 Intel® Core™ Duo

AMD Athlon™ 64, 2 GB RAM

Mac OS X 10.5 or 10.6 (最新更新),Intel Core Duo, 2GB RAM

USB 2.0連接埠,DVD drive,500 MB硬碟空間(供完全安裝使用)





●寬度:43.8 cm

●重量:2.7 kg



The S2 controller comes bundled with Traktor Pro 2 and does not have its own software. Instead, a new update for Traktor Pro 2 will include a custom panel in which you can configure the s2 to your personal taste.

This panel is missing the level of configuration found with the S4 (jog wheel effects are gone for example) but NI did bring one new feature to the table that more than makes up for that. They have improved the S2′s custom user mapping, so you can modify and change the way your controller works without losing all of the resolution offered by the native HID connection. This is a step up from the s4, which would only allow removal of functions by turning the controller into MIDI mode, which limited it’s functionality.

For my Depeche mode video, I built a custom mapping which added the option for FX control through the jog wheels without losing a high resolution connection. This custom mapping was based on our old Fader FX mode, allowing access to FX units 3/4, which dont have dedicated controls.


The data we have is that the controllers should be shipping in October. To help out our readers get them first, we have secured a very large batch of S2s that will be shipping promptly upon release. DJ TechTools members and readers can reserve one (while available) in our store and will get an exclusive tutorial DVD and my custom effects mapping included for free.

If you are interested in getting updated when the S2 is in stock or close to shipping: